Setting a new standard for door hardware™  



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AHP manufactures Grade 1 and Grade 2 door hardware such as door closers, lever locksets, knob locksets & exit devices for commercial and institutional applications.


Our hardware is used for both new and renovation construction projects and is sold only through authorized distributors.


Access Hardware is supported by a large inventory, a qualified staff with door, frame & hardware experience to provide the technical expertise that's required by architects, contractors and building owners.

Access Hardware Products

Access Hardware Products was founded on the need to create a product line of door hardware that can be considered a leader in its class without compromising quality or having the added cost that comes with buying the popular brands!  Our products may look like others...but they're not!  No lock or closer in the same class will out-perform us!  We've got all of the necessary features built-in to make our products perform like no other!  Click here to take a closer look at our products.

If you're an architect, designer or product specifier, AHP will work with you to help you specify the right product for the appropriate application.  Will provide technical support and samples to help you make a better specifying decision.

If you're an architect, designer, contractor or end-user and are interested in using Access Hardware Products on your project or maybe you're interested in becoming a distributor, please contact us.

Access Hardware Products, determined to become the preferred brand among contractors, locksmiths and building supply companies.


N E W S...


The 2000 Series Rim Exit Device is aesthetically designed for a commercial environment, engineered to Grade 1 specs and is ready for shipment July 1, 2008.

AHP 2000 Series Rim Exit Device

Knob locks are in development.  More to come soon.



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